Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started: A Welcome Note from the Grace Team! (6 minute video)

    2. Getting Started: Your Official Onboarding Video (6 minute video)

    3. Getting Started: The Path to Graduation (3 minute video, 2 steps)

    4. Getting Started: Understanding Workshop Registration (4 minute video, 4 steps)

    5. Getting Started: For Brand New Zoom Users

    6. Getting Started: Understanding Practice Sessions (6 minute video, 4 steps)

    7. Getting Started: Self Evaluation (2 minute video)

    8. Getting Started: Trusting the Process

    9. Daily Hypnosis as Homework

    10. Reading List & Student Workbooks

    11. Monthly Community Connect [Optional]

    12. Important Notes Review [Written Text Only]

    1. Welcome to Section 1

    2. Daily Hypnosis as Homework Review

    3. Workshop #1 Preview

    4. Close Your Eyes, Get Free Complemental Resources

    5. Watch: "How to Train the Subconscious Mind" (75 minute video)

    6. 1.1 Laws of Suggestion (7 minute video)

    7. 1.1 Laws of Suggestion Quiz

    8. 1.2 Rules of the Mind (10 minute video)

    9. 1.2 Rules of the Mind Quiz

    10. 1.3 Keys to Effective Suggestions (13 minute video)

    11. 1.3 Keys to Effective Suggestions Quiz

    12. 1.4 Pre-Induction Protocol (14 minute video)

    13. 1.4 Pre-Induction Protocol Quiz

    14. 1.5 Suggestibility Tests (30 minute video)

    15. 1.5 Suggestibility Tests Quiz

    16. 1.6 Levels of Trance (10 minute video)

    17. 1.6 Levels of Trance Quiz

    18. 1.7 Forms of Hypnotic Induction (16 minute video)

    19. 1.7 Forms of Hypnotic Induction Quiz

    20. 1.8 Characteristics of Experienced Subjects (7 minute video)

    21. 1.8 Characteristics of Experienced Subjects Quiz

    22. 1.9 Hypnotic Induction Example: Progressive Relaxation (12 minute video)

    23. 1.9 Hypnotic Induction Example: Progressive Relaxation Quiz

    24. 1.10 George Bien's Self-Hypnosis (5 minute video)

    25. 1.10 George Bien's Self-Hypnosis Technique Quiz

    26. 1.11 Hypnotic Challenges (15 minute video)

    27. 1.11 Hypnotic Challenges Quiz

    28. 1.12 Reactional Hypnosis and Fractionation (11 minute video)

    29. 1.12 Reactional Hypnosis and Fractionation Quiz

    30. 1.13 Suggestion Writing (17 minute video, 3 steps)

    31. 1.13 Suggestion Writing Quiz

    32. Optional Exercise: Suggestion Writing

    33. 1.14 Smoking Cessation Suggestions and Demos (26 minute video, 3 steps)

    34. 1.14 Smoking Cessation Suggestions and Demos Quiz

    35. 1.15 Weight Loss & Stress Management Suggestions (8 minute video, 2 steps)

    36. 1.15 Weight Loss & Stress Management Suggestions Quiz

    37. 1.16 Confidence Suggestions (10 minute video, 2 steps)

    38. 1.16 Confidence Suggestions Quiz

    39. 1.17 General Intake Questions (12 minute video)

    40. 1.17 General Intake Questions Quiz

    41. 1.18 Smoking and Weight Loss Intake Questions (10 minute video, 2 Steps)

    42. 1.18 Smoking and Weight Loss Intake Questions Quiz

    43. 1.19 Building Rapport (9 minute video)

    44. 1.19 Building Rapport Quiz

    45. 1.20 Mirroring (7 minute video)

    46. 1.20 Mirroring Quiz

    47. 1.21 Self-Hypnosis (25 minute video, 2 steps)

    48. 1.21 Self-Hypnosis Tutorial Quiz

    49. Prepare for Workshop #1

    50. Close Your Eyes Get Free Quiz Part 1

    51. Privacy Policy

    52. Workshop 1 Demo

    1. Welcome to Section 2

    2. Daily Hypnosis as Homework

    3. Workshop #2 Preview

    4. Speak Ericksonian Reading Requirement

    5. 2.1 Definitions of Hypnosis + Profession of Hypnotherapy Defined Lecture (11 minute video)

    6. 2.1 Definitions of Hypnosis + Profession of Hypnotherapy Defined Quiz

    7. 2.2 History of Hypnosis Lecture (6 minute video)

    8. 2.2 History of Hypnosis Quiz

    9. 2.3 Misconceptions of Hypnosis (9 minute video)

    10. 2.3 Misconceptions of Hypnosis Quiz

    11. 2.4 Dynamics of Change (13 minute video)

    12. 2.4 Dynamics of Change Quiz

    13. 2.5 Hypnotic Induction Example Eye Fixation + Dr. Sidney Flower’s Blink Method (9 minute video)

    14. 2.5 Hypnotic Induction Example Eye Fixation + Dr. Sidney Flower’s Blink Method Quiz

    15. 2.6 Elman Induction Demonstration by Dr. Mike Mandel (7 minute video)

    16. 2.7 Elman Induction Quiz

    17. 2.8 Grace Method Induction (21 minute video)

    18. 2.8 Grace Method Induction Quiz

    19. Close Your Eyes Get Free Quiz Part 2

    20. Close Your Eyes, Get Free Assignment (Optional)

    21. 2.9 Hypnotic Deepeners (9 minute video)

    22. 2.9 Hypnotic Deepeners Quiz

    23. 2.10 "Science of Hypnosis" BBC Documentary + Deep Dive (60 min video and 45 minute video)

    24. 2.11 Abreactions (10 minute video)

    25. 2.11 Abreactions Quiz

    26. 2.12 Preparing for First Session (Part 1) (7 minute video)

    27. 2.12 Preparing for Your First Session (Part 2) (7 minute video)

    28. 2.13 Emerging Script (3 minute video)

    29. 2.13 Emerging Quiz

    30. 2.14 Self-Assessment and Integration Script (28 minute video)

    31. 2.14 Self-Assessment & Integration Script Quiz

    32. Speak Ericksonian Quiz

    33. Preparing for Workshop #2

    34. Working with Practice Clients After Workshop #2

    1. Welcome to Section 3

    2. Daily Hypnosis as Homework

    3. Workshop #3 Preview

    4. 3.1 Speak Ericksonian Review (Part 1) (56 minute video)

    5. 3.2 Speak Ericksonian Review (Part 2) (72 minute video)

    6. 3.3 Hypnotic Devices & Trance Ratification (6 minute video)

    7. 3.3 Hypnotic Devices & Trance Ratification Quiz

    8. 3.4 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Hypnotic Pain Management (15 minute video)

    9. 3.4 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Hypnotic Pain Management Quiz

    10. 3.5 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Creation of Problems (7 minute video)

    11. 3.5 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Creation of Most Problems Quiz

    12. 3.6 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Fears and Phobias (10 minute video)

    13. 3.6 Intro to Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Fears and Phobias Quiz

    14. 3.7 Needle Phobia (5 minute video)

    15. 3.8 Advanced Intake Demo (31 minute video)

    16. 3.9 Intro to Working with Minors (6 minutes video)

    17. 3.9 Intro to Working with Minors Quiz

    18. 3.10 Simple, Powerful Session (19 minute video)

    19. 3.10 Simple, Powerful Session Quiz

    20. Preparing for Workshop #3

    21. Working with Practice Clients after Workshop #3

    22. Hypnosis Research and Studies

    1. Welcome to Section 4: Parts Therapy

    2. Daily Hypnosis as Homework

    3. Workshop #4 Preview

    4. 4.1.1 Parts Therapy (31 minute video)

    5. 4.1.1 Parts Therapy Lecture Quiz

    6. 4.1.2 Parts Therapy Demonstration (64 minute video)

    7. 4.1.2 Parts Therapy Demo Quiz

    8. 4.2 Reframing and Goal Setting (33 minute video)

    9. 4.2 Reframing and Goal Setting Quiz

    10. 4.3 Advanced Suggestions and Inductions (20 minute video)

    11. 4.3 Advanced Suggestions and Inductions Quiz

    12. 4.4 Advice for Popular Topics: Confidence, Fear of Flying & Panic Attacks (9 minute video)

    13. 4.4 Advice for Popular Topics: Confidence, Fear of Flying & Panic Attacks Quiz

    14. 4.5 Advice for Popular Topics: Weight Loss & Smoking (13 minute video)

    15. 4.5 Advice for Popular Topics: Weight Loss & Smoking Quiz

    16. 4.6 Advice for Popular Topics: Nail Biting, Public Speaking, and Insomnia (16 minute video)

    17. 4.6 Advice for Popular Topics: Nail Biting and Public Speaking and Insomia Quiz

    18. 4.7 Intro into Mental Health Topics (3 videos totaling 79 minutes)

    19. 4.8 Medcircle: What Hypnotherapy is Actually Like + Demo Session

    20. 4.8 Medcircle: What Hypnotherapy is Actually Like Quiz

    21. Preparing for Workshop #4

    22. Working with Clients After Workshop #4

    1. Welcome to Section 5: Regression Therapies

    2. Daily Hypnosis as Homework

    3. Workshop #5 Preview

    4. 5.1.1 Affect Bridge Lecture (25 minute video)

    5. 5.1.1 Affect Bridge Lecture Quiz

    6. 5.1.2 Affect Bridge Demo (41 minute video)

    7. 5.1.2 Affect Bridge Demo Quiz

    8. 5.2 Comparison of Two Sessions (2 videos totaling 148 minutes)

    9. 5.3 Mental Health Topics- Video Playlist Instructions (Presented by MedCircle)

    10. 5.31 Mental Health Series: Bipolar Disorder (MedCircle) (2 videos totaling 80 minutes)

    11. 5.31 Bipolar Disorder Quiz

    12. 5.32 Mental Health Series: Personality Disorders (MedCircle) (5 videos totaling 50 minutes)

    13. 5.32 Personality Disorders Quiz

    14. 5.33 Mental Health Series: Trauma & PTSD (MedCircle) (4 videos totaling 48 minutes)

    15. 5.33 Trauma & PTSD Quiz

    16. 5.34 Mental Health Series: Anxiety (MedCircle) (4 videos totaling 50 minutes)

    17. 5.34 Anxiety Quiz

    18. 5.35 Mental Health Series: Depression (MedCircle) (6 videos totaling 59 minutes)

    19. 5.35 Depression Quiz

    20. 5.7 Advanced Techniques (50 minutes)

    21. 5.7 Advanced Techniques Quiz

    22. 5.8 Reframing Lecture (18 minute video, 2 steps)

    23. 5.8 Reframing Lecture Quiz

    24. 5.9 A Note on Memory Recall and False Memories

    25. Preparing for Workshop #5

    26. Demo for Workshop 5

    27. Working with Clients After Workshop 5

About this course

  • $6,500.00
  • 213 lessons
  • 220+ Hour Certification
  • Live Workshops with Classmates
  • Personalized Mentor Evaluation

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